Thursday, May 17, 2012

Remembered Don't look back in anger today and played it. I hope my fingers become more deformed so I can finally play properly. Other than that, I read a good book today and my mom probably read my notes because she asked me a question which made me sad. Of course I didn't answer it.

There is nothing much I want to write here lately, I prefer paper and pen, and the trusty binded book i can shut. Perhaps the mind of someone who will listen as well.

Sometimes I feel like I am different in many people's eyes, and I don't know which opinion should trust. I thought I trusted my own opinion, until I realised it only applies when I'm alone.

I am certain I am not interested in book with plots. The book I am reading is "stop what you're doing and read this!", a collection of 10 essays from different authors about why we need to read. Thought that should be useful.

Things written in first person make you feel like you're peering into someone's mind, someone's life. It's personal, I like it. I like reading essays, posing questions that relate to me.

It is 1:35 am, and I do not want my father to barge in and try to prove right what he said this afternoon. So, sleep it is.

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